Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 was one of the games I recently picked up after trading in a lot of old DVDs that we just don't watch anymore. So far I'm liking it, but I am picky about my RPGs.

When it comes to character creation, I like being able to get a taste of what different class builds have to offer. I haven't played Mass Effect 1 or 2 so I don't know what works best for my play style. I play a lot of first person shooters but decided this game probably warranted something that mixed guns and powers. I went with Vanguard instead of Soldier.

I'm not to far into the game yet. I was able to log about two hours two nights ago. I made it through the opening scenes. I saved it just after making it into the Mars facility.

I am looking forward to getting into it. The story looks compelling. A friend told me to play Mass Effect 2 first but I don't have that option. I think later I will get it, play out, finish it, and do an import so I can replay ME3 (assuming I like it) with different options since it looks like a lot if people died based on the starting options.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Some months ago I decided to do a little cleaning in a cabinet where I keep a lot of old games and equipment. I quickly discovered I was a pack-rat. There were easily 100 game boxes that had not been touched in ages.

I'm not talking about games that hold replay value, like Metal Gear Solid 3. I'm talking about games like Evil Dead, Resident Evil 3, and Star Fox (GCN). I barely remember purchasing/playing them and could not begin to tell you how many years it had been since the games were played. It was time to part ways with my "collection."

We have a local store that specializes in trade-ins of games, though they had a reputation of not giving you much money when you sell. To make a long story short, I had so many that I forgot about that I left with $200, which later went to a reservation for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 back in November.

My wife thought I was going to have a stroke when I left the store because gaming is my hobby and I left a part of that hobby in a store that day. Truth is, even though you don't get back near what you paid, if you know you will never have the time to play them again, why keep them?

I went back a few weeks ago to sell some old movies that I felt the same way about. We're a middle-class family and don't have a lot of cash on-hand to just go blow on a new game. The trades I made were enough to get new games I am playing and enjoying. So if you're like me and are strapped for cash and are sitting on a mountain of games you aren't going to play, I recommend doing a little internet research about a game you think you want to play and see if you can sell a few to get something you want.

Just my two cents.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Welcome to Gamer Dad

Why did I spend the time to start this blog site? I spend a little time on the web looking for info on games that I am interested in and I always see sites dedicated to the more hardcore gamers. Admittedly, I used to consider myself part of that crowd but that was years ago.

I am married and have two kids, one of which I share custody of. I work a 40 hours per week, commute 30 minutes each way, and take a few night classes. Between all of this I spend time with my family and take care of things around the house. Still I manage to find a bit of time to play some games. The gaming community call people like me casual gamers. I consider myself a real-world gamer. :)